totally loving this book. probably one of the best i’ve ever read. (gotta thank jenn for that..<3)

short week. not much happened. really. hey, no complaints here.. 5 day weekend? then a 3 day week? i could get used to that.

totally STOKED to go to MARCH FOR LIFE.

can’t wait.

….yeah, while i’m here, might as well get this in the open. i’m not as…..uhh… dedicated to xanga as i used to be. to put it simply, i dont think i’m gonna be updating as often as i used to. (as if i update that often.) no i didn’t get a myspace (heaven forbid), live journal, or anything that pops to mind when the word ‘weblog’ is mentioned. i just merely lost my enthusiam for this. no, i’m not going to shut it down. i wanna be able to comment on people’s xangas. and probably update from time to time…  every 2 weeks? every month? just at random? who the heck knows?


i totally aced everything…. (yesss i actually studied.. proud?) see, by everything, i meant everything EXCEPT chemistry. and probably english. not too confident with the essays.

anyway… midterms are done… and i’m just glad it’s all over. YESSSSS. looking forward to FOUR DAY WEEKEND. sux coz everyone else had FIVE DAYS and i only have four. but four days nonetheless.

i’m tired. of everything.



update later.

good luck to you guys.

…….especially for mr. carr’s test. IMPOSSIBLE……